Frequently Asked Questions

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones (HT) are hormones that are chemically identical to the hormones produced by women (primarily in the ova- ries) during the reproductive years. Some hormones that a woman’s body makes include various estrogens (17 estradiol, estrone, estriol) as well as progesterone, testosterone and others. Bioidentical hormone therapy (HT) means a medication provides one or more of these hormones as the active ingredient.

Some bioidentical hormones are available in well-tested, government approved, brand name prescription drugs, such as some oral, patch and gel preparations. Here are the different types of bioidentical hormones:

• Bioidentical Estrogens: (plant source)

• Estrace - Micronized estradiol - 17 estradiol, oral

• Estraderm patch, Estradot patch – both are 17 estradiol

• Estrogel topical gel

• Biest cream, compounded estrogens (estriol and estradiol)

• Vaginal estrogens: Vagifem vaginal tablet, Estring vaginal ring

Bioidentical Progesterone: (plant source) Micronized progesterone – Prometrium oral, or custom compounded oral progeaterone Progesterone cream, compounded (lack data on absorption, serum levels, efficacy)

Custom-Compounded Formulations can be made by a pharmacist specially trained in the preparation of these products. Products can be prepared without additives such as binders, fillers, dyes, preservatives or adhesives that are found in patented, commercially avail- able products. Compounding also allows for different methods to administer hormones. There are several compounding pharma- cists in Saskatchewan.

It is not recommended to purchase unregulated products over the internet as safety and effectiveness of product cannot be guaran- teed.

Sources: Menopause Practice, a clinicians guide, 3rd Edition, North American Menopause Society, 2007 The Hor- mone Survival Guide for Perimenopuase, Nisha Jackson, Ph.D., 2004

Improving Women's Lives Through Better Health in Mid-Life and Beyond

About Women's Mid-Life Health Program

Improving women’s lives through better health during mid-life and beyond.

Women's Mid-Life Health Program has been a member of The North American Menopause Society since 2003.


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Since 2011, the Women's Mid-Life Health Program has been funded by the Saskatoon Health Region. However we still need to raise funds for our on-going programs, workshops, events and newsletters. We greatly appreciate your generous support of all these initiatives that bring awareness, health information and improved life to many.

Tax receipts will be issued according to Revenue Canada Guidelines. Charitable registration #11914 0739 RR 0001.


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